Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 posts

Can Alimony Payments Be Awarded on a Permanent Basis?

Changes in law and society over the past few decades have triggered significant adjustments to alimony orders in Utah and other states. While movies and television shows might lead people Read More

Does Adultery Affect Property Division in a Utah Divorce?

When a marriage ends because a spouse has committed adultery, the legal process of divorce can be highly emotional. In some cases, someone whose husband or wife has cheated might Read More

The Price of Not Having a Lawyer

Once in a while potential clients ask me whether they need a lawyer in order to handle their divorce.  I tell them that although there is no legal requirement to Read More

Pending Legislation

New Bills Pending During This Legislative Session Dating Violence Protection Act. Pending before Utah Legistature. The question is: do people in dating relationships need the same level of protection as people Read More

Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 posts